Lianet Martínez Pino (Cienfuegos, 1993), her work features as big formats sculptures, stunts, paintings and collages, as pictures that overflow the frame. All of them have something in common; the object holding symbology and content having personal experiences and cotidianity as an artistic reference.
Lianet is graduate at Visual Arts at Instituto Superior de Arte (La Habana, Cuba, and graduate at Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes “San Alejandro”, La Habana, Cuba.
Lianet has participated in many collective exhibitions and independent ones such as “Alquimia” in Galería Nuno Sacramento, Ílhavo Portugal; “Sin sentido de lugar”, in Galería El artista, La Habana, Cuba; “Al filo de…” 12ª Bienal de La Habana and “Prótesis” in 11ª Bienal de La Habana